You are now open to submit your video content to us, to service and fulfill the placement opportunities for your music videos, short pilots of pre-launched projects and other media projects that you would like more exposure for and to bring more awareness to. We got you covered. These are not all guaranteed slots, this is to properly place your content in the ways you gain revenue for generations to come automatically creating the destiny line for generational wealth for years and decades. Once selected for placement, multi-way partnerships packages, within one tier, first placement submission on this network is $100, airs for 1 week with promo, and is also included in other tiers, which is the tier 3 club final pilot, cost covers the captions and optimization of frames, the deployment process for your videos, commercials, and ads, for your content by us, the on/off air, broadcast, stream rotation, syncs and production projects, with major streaming networks as well as all digital components, tour and fan merch, listening and view live and virtual parties, billboard, print and TV opportunities with major networks such as Amazon Prime, Tubi, WSHH, BET, VH1, iHeart Media, Spotify, Apple, Roku, Amazon FireTv, Youtube, our Apps REGTV, Television Network now on available in Amazon App Store and devices, with much more. to come such as your catalogs, music, media, opinions, empowered ventures, and joint ventures, always recognizing your message. We work with only the networks themselves and or executives within to uplift partnerships.
After selection, We place your content on our network for a week, a spotlight blog spot, and a 30-second clip of you introducing your content, brand, artistry, and products, within this selection you gain a review from our entertainment panel of music executives, radio hosts, fans, AnRs, in the webinar room and others you invite to your listening live review with our hosts and exclusive released on our channels and other platforms on the network. Disclaimers, NDA, and Production Agreements Apply, with No refund upon submission, we love our community to opt-in opportunities, with limited slots available.
Submissions after payment to email [email protected]